Why We Fight
a battle we can only win together.
It’s a tough read, but necessary.
To stop violence, we must get to know it.
The Affects Of Covid-19
The pandemic has had a real impact on this fight.
Home is not safe for everyone. The National Commission on COVID-19 and criminal justice shows an increase in the U.S. by a little over 8 %, following the enforcement of lockdown orders during 2020. (source)
Human trafficking is at an all time high.
People in economic crisis have become even more vulnerable to exploitation. Due to the closure of schools, traffickers increases their use of the the internet to groom and recruit potential victims.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world today. It’s estimated to be a $150 billion-a-year global industry.
There are an estimated 40.3 million people enslaved right now.
Women and girls accounted for 71% of modern slavery victims.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is the catalyst of much of the injustice in the world. It can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Often times, it’s a family abuse. Victims can also include children, relatives, or other household members.
This violence is not just physical. Many survivors agree that beyond their physical wounds, the mental and emotional abuse they endured is what impacted them the most. Other forms of domestic abuse can be financial, sexual, and spiritual.
1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. (source)